01/ Open Source Protocols and Tools

Empowering the Innovation through Open Source

Catalyzing Change Through Collaboration, Innovation, and Open-Source Solutions


Fostering Education and Collaboration for Impactful Research Projects

Edentify is a registered non-profit organization dedicated to raising education and awareness of impactful research projects. Our mission is to foster collaboration, innovation, and the adoption of open-source solutions across various sectors.

Through our dissemination and communication activities, including workshops, webinars, and training programs, we aim to empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge and tools they need to make a positive difference in their communities.


Why Open Source?

Open source is at the heart of what we do. We believe that by embracing open-source solutions, we can unlock tremendous potential for individuals and businesses alike.

Open source encourages collaboration, transparency, and the sharing of knowledge, leading to accelerated innovation and problem-solving. By leveraging the power of open source, we can create a more inclusive and sustainable future.


Our Areas of Focus

Open Source Protocols and Tools

We actively contribute to the development of open-source protocols and tools. By fostering a community-driven approach, we enable the creation of robust and customisable solutions that can be freely used and modified to address specific needs.

Multidisciplinary Research in ICT

We conduct multidisciplinary research in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) domain. Our research projects focus on exploring the intersection of technology, society, and sustainability, aiming to drive positive change through evidence-based approaches.

Education and Awareness

We facilitate the outreach and provide impact to educate individuals and organisations about the latest research projects and advancements in the field. Our goal is to bridge the gap between academia and industry, ensuring that knowledge is accessible and applicable to real-world challenges.


Join Our Community

We invite individuals, businesses, and organizations who share our vision to join our vibrant community. By becoming a member, you will gain access to exclusive resources, participate in collaborative projects, and connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about driving positive social impact through open source.

Together, let’s harness the power of open source and create a better future for all.




Get Involved

Are you interested in supporting our cause or contributing to our initiatives? There are several ways you can get involved:

Attend our events to expand your knowledge and network with experts in the field.

Volunteer your time and skills to help us organize events and spread awareness about open-source solutions.

Become a sponsor or partner to support our activities and make a lasting impact on education and innovation.

Collaborate with us on research projects and contribute to the development of open-source.